How Pyramids Were Built: A Mystery of Ancient Engineering
The pyramids of Egypt are among the most impressive and enduring monuments of human civilization. They have fascinated people for thousands of years with their size, shape and design. But how were they built? How did the ancient Egyptians manage to move millions of stone blocks, some weighing more than 2 tons, across the desert and lift them up to form these massive structures? This is a question that has not received a definitive answer, but there are some clues and theories that can help us understand this remarkable feat of engineering. The Origins of Pyramid Building The first step in understanding how pyramids were built is to trace their origins and evolution. Pyramids originated from simple rectangular tombs called mastabas that were constructed in Egypt over 5,000 years ago¹. These tombs had flat roofs and sloping sides and were built for the elite members of society. Around 2630 B.C., a pharaoh named Djoser decided to innovate his mastaba tomb by adding more layers...